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This notice is to certify that the following Satisfaction Report reflects ALL returned customer surveys who had a repair at Countryside Customs. NO surveys have been excluded from these statistics. Data is available for audit and is in accordance with and The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Quality Systems Registrars.

It also serves notice of Countryside’s active participation as an ACRB member in good standing, and to further certify that Countryside Customs has participated according to the standards and conditions set forth in your ACRB membership agreement.

By permitting the Bureau to survey your repair customers, we are able to monitor the customer satisfaction performance of your repair facility.  As a subscriber to the Bureau’s Premier Certification program, we believe your customers may choose your shop with the utmost confidence and trust.

Your repair customers consistently report above average satisfaction levels, as identified by the following certified statistic:

Overall Satisfaction Score: 98.29%

It is a pleasure to include Countryside Customs among our most valued members.

Your efforts make it possible for us to continually improve the experience for today's automotive repair customer.

If you, your customers or any insurance representative have any questions pertaining to this information, please contact our main office at 847-490-8430